Saturday, August 18, 2018

“If God exist, why is there so much Evil?”

To get to the point, God exist. So what is the evidence? Why did God allow the suffering? If Jehovah God is all-powerful, loving, wise, and just, why is the world so full of hatred and injustice? We always question all those things even right now. Think about it.  Does suffering, hatred and evilness questions God’s existence? Some thought that it is wrong to think about this question because some might get hurt and disrespected. When reading the bible, there are God-fearing people asked the similar question for example, Habakkuk asked Jehovah: “Why do you make me witness wrong doing? Why do you tolerate oppression? Why are destruction and violence before me?” (Habakkuk 1:3) .That’s why we’re not the only one asking those questions.
But did Jehovah God scold the faithful prophet Habakkuk? No. Instead, God put Habakkuk’s sincere words in the bible. Why there so much suffering? Often the answer of others is that it is God’s will. But is it really? According to the bible: “It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong” (Job 34:10). So why did our loving God allow suffering? When we refer to the bible specifically the book of Genesis, when Satan led Adam and Eve into disobeying Jehovah (Genesis 3:2-5), an important question was raised. Satan did not question Jehovah’s power he already knew that it is limitless. Rather, Satan questioned Jehovah’s right to rule. By calling God a liar and calling him a bad leader. Satan implied that mankind would be better off without God’s rulership.
 So as the effect of what Satan did, Adam and Eve rebelled against Jehovah. They said: ‘We do not need Jehovah as a Ruler. We can decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. So how could he teach all intelligent creatures that the rebels were wrong and his way is the best? By letting on what they’ve started. The bible clearly states: “The world is lying on the power of the wicked one.” (John 5:19) So God is not the one who’s controlling the world, but the wicked one named Satan. He is the one making violence, oppression, evildoings, and suffering. So when will suffering end?

When will Jehovah God bring an end to evil on earth? Jesus his son gave a sign indicate when the end world would be near. We all know that present world condition s threaten man’s survival, and we feel that there is no more medicine in our condition. One of his disciples asked, “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and the conclusion of the system of things?” –Read Matthew 24:3, 7-14, 21-22.
During Jesus’ 1,000-year rule from heaven over the earth, he will bring suffering to an end. (Isaiah 9:6, 7; 11:9) Besides serving as a King, Jesus will act as High Priest and will cancel the sins of those who loved Jehovah God. Thus, by means of Jesus, Jehovah God will eliminate sickness, aging, and death. ­Read Isaiah. 25:8; 33:24.


                                                                                                            Aizheen Ricky G. de Chavez

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